Thursday 9 May 2019

Cape Three Points & Busua

First week of work is almost over, it’s Thursday evening and I’m absolutely knackered (so forgive me if this blog post doesn’t make much sense), but also veeery happy! It’s been a great week so far. I have not been eaten by a snake (yet), even though there was one tiny one in the class, one big one somewhere in the school yard and today around lunch time one just in front of our house. How lovely. But anyway, to the point
So, last weekend, on my first days here, we went to two amazing places. On Saturday to Cape Three Points and on Sunday to Busua. Let me tell you a bit more about these places!

Cape Three Point is at the southernmost tip of Ghana. Just the drive there was already amazing – we drove through some tiny rural communities and “towns”, and then we got to this interesting off-road surrounded by rubber trees. We got to see how fresh rubber is collected, before it’s sent off to Europe. It seemed like there was endless forest of rubber trees, have to say it was quite extensive plantation. And I heard these rubber trees were planted by Ghana’s first president! Not sure if that’s true story though.
After a looooong bumpy ride we reached Escape 3 Points Ecolodge. Such a chill place, basically in the middle of the rainforest, surrounded by nothingness and the sea and long beach. A dream destination for relaxing, would love to go there again and stay for one night in one of the bungalows.
So, we spent the whole day there. It was a cloudy and a bit rainy day, but still warm (hot) as usual. We hung out at the lodge, played pool, drank bloody marys, hung out at the beach, walked to the end of the beach and got lost in the rainforest (surprised that we made it back from there), walked a bit more on the beach, ate, chilled, did nothing, did something.. Somehow the day just passed, and all the sudden it was getting dark so it was time to start heading back to Takoradi.
Here are few million photos from our trip Cape Three Points:
Rubber trees!
Cuuute rural communities
kids getting some water
Escape 3 Points Ecolodge
This moment = happiness
I just cannot
On our way to the rainforest (at this point we didn’t know what was waiting for us)

Then, Busua. It’s a place I think and hope I’ll go often (maybe this weekend!). To be more specific, the beach is from where I hope to find myself regularly.
Busua is about 30km away from Takoradi, not far, buuuuut as we are in Ghana, it takes a while to get there.
To be honest, all I saw from Busua area was the beach, but what I have heard the village is kinda touristy place. Didn’t really notice that on the beach, luckily! When we got there, the beach was still basically empty – I could see maybe 20 people around, and btw that beach is long one, so there was plenty of space for us all. Later on I spotted few groups of westerners, but I wouldn’t say it was a tourist beach. And trust me, I have seen tourist beaches, too many of them. And now when I say this, next time at Busua the beach is packed and full of Finnish people or something like that.
Anyway, so we parked ourselves to place called Alaska Beach Club. Left our stuff there, got some beers and headed to lay down at the beach and well, laid there for 8 hours. No, not really, I think after few hours I had enough of the sun and I retired to lay in the hammock, which was equally good option. And to all my friends who were asking, I did not burn my skin! I think I even got a bit tanned, wohoo.
I was too busy enjoying of the beach life that I did not really take photos. Just few videos and that’s it – but as I said, I think I’ll be going there again so maybe next time I can try to remember take some photos. 

Sorry, I lied. I took four very important photos; one of my drink, one of my food (they look kinda bad but they are gooooood !) and one of cute pupper, whose name is Rabies. Seriously. And then, ofc I took photo of the palm trees, I just can’t get enough of them!

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