Monday 6 May 2019

Welcome to my house

Hello from Ghana! Time has been flying, I have been constantly on the move since Friday when I arrived to Takoradi. I haven’t  even unpacked my backpack yet, and my room is a mess! But I don’t mind, the first days have been amazing, I’ve been able to travel the West Coast a bit. Ghana is so beautiful!

Now it’s Monday, and today was my first day at work, and also today we organized a lecture about periods & reusable menstrual pads for high schoolers i  the town of Agona. I’ll tell more about this period-project, my first day at work & my West Coast travels in the upcoming posts, when I have time! But now, since so many have been asking me to show photos of where I live, here you go (btw I unpacked my backpack and organized my room just so it would look good on social media) :
Living room, we have a tv and it actually functioning!
Kitchen (they have just finished doing new kitchen for us, it’s basically behind that wall where fridge and stove are)
My shower, that yellow bucket is the backup-shower (FYI mom I have just cleaned the shower so it looks nicer IRL than in the photo)
We have a laundry machine AND it also works!
Idk if this is interesting, but yeah on the legt shower, toilet on the right and the sink yay! We both have our own shower and toilet facilities which is nice!
Don’t ask... My room is the one with Trump-looking guy on the door.
My room
Simple is beautiful, right?
View from my room is just goooorgeous

This apartment is quite nice. I share it with a Finnish girl (hi Eveliina!) who is doing her internship here as well, she’s in the end of her studies to be a teacher. Also from the University of Jyväskylä. So she’s teaching the kids, whereas I’m teaching the teachers, thus we make a great team!

We do have electricity and running water. Most of the time. But it’s not uncommon that one, or if very unlucky both, of those luxuries do not work. Like on my first night here, we did not have water or electricity, but it wasn’t a problem. We have our little helper David, son of the school owners, who carried us some water for showering and we have gas stove so we don’t need electricity for cooking. AND surprisingly, how smart of me, I brought a headlamp. So we are just fine, with or without electricity and water!

Besides water and electricity, the apartment is equipped with variety of pets. Like cockroaches, I have killed about five of them so far. Big ones. One of them is living under the couch (any name ideas? I think her name could be for ex. Silvia Z.). Then we do have ants, who love sugar, but funnily enough they seem to reeeaaally dislike salmiakki (salty liquorice I brought from Finland). Our another armchair has been conquered by small, but scary spider, so we don’t really use that chair. And then, I have two lizards living in my room, they are cute, well-behaving and harmless roomies. 

And I’m sure there’s lots of other kind of creatures we just haven’t met yet. As long as none of these do not come to my bed, I’m fine with it. I just hope they will respect this rule.

Oh and let me introduce you my Torakkatossut (cockroach shoes), thanks to my dear friend Raul, I have something between my feet and the bugs if (when) I step on one when I walk around the house.

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